Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Freezing Corn from the Cob

What to do with 3 bags corn on the cobs? If you are like our family... there is no way you are going to finish that corn before it goes bad! So, why not save it for later? We don't like canned corn as much as we like frozen corn, so here are the directions for freezing corn.
1st Boil the corn in a large pot (make sure the corn is completely submerged), for 10 minutes.

2nd cool the corn is a large ice water bath for 10 minutes. (You want the corn completely cooled.)
3rd With a sharp knife, cut the corn off the cob.
4th Break all the corn pieces apart. This next part is optional but it keeps from having all the corn freeze together in a large corn ice cube. Lay all the kernels on a large cookie sheet in a thin layer. Put in the freezer (on the cookie sheet).

5th After the corn is completely frozen (or after you separate all the kernels if you choose not to pre-freeze), put corn into freezer bags. I prefer the kind that you can seal air tight because they keep things fresh longer.
And into the freezer it all goes!