Thursday, July 29, 2010

Canning: Cherry Pie Filling


5 1/2 Cups Sugar
3/4 tsp Salt
3/4 Cup Cornstarch or 1 1/4 Cup Ultra Gel
2 Tbs Lemon Juice
5 1/2 Cups Water
Pie Cherries to fill eleven pint jars (PITTED!)


Boil together first five ingredients. If you are using the Ultra Gel, read the directions on the container. It should tell you to add it slowly and mix between. The Ultra Gel will thicken up like pudding, and if you don't add it slowly, it can lump and be a pain. Red food coloring can be added if desired. Pour over cherries, seal in jars, and process 20 - 25 minutes in water bath canner.

Canning: Hard Beans!

Put 1/2 cup beans/pint
Fill with hot water
Let them soak over night (or for at least 10 hours)

Rinse 3 times (I do this in my hand).

Add ½ tsp of salt per jar
Fill 1 inch from the top w/ boiling water

Pressure Cook for 75 min with 10 lbs of pressure
For Quarts, double the recipe, but the cook time and pressure are the same. You can use these directions for any hard bean.